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I was conceived into a situation that lent itself to several people suggesting to my mother that she should get an abortion. It never crossed her mind and she quite obviously chose life. She also had people like my great-grand parents praying that she would choose life. Because of those prayers and because of her choice, I was given the opportunity to live. Though I am not perfect, I have also been able to give of my life to others. More recently I have been able to do this in the place that I will discuss in this blog post.

There is another choice that is coming to the surface right now that all humanity has to make. It, too, is between life and death.

Israel. The world’s eyes have turned to her. From late August to a little under a week ago, I was serving Israeli farmers in Israels heartland of Judea and Samaria. Though Israelis are imperfect like me, the amount of them who are being attacked and killed I’m sure far outweighs the number of those who chose to kill them. And the reason they are being extinguished? Simply for being Jewish. Simply for existing.

This hatred of the Jewish people is not mainly a physical reality. This is an age old reoccurrence. This is a spirit. Antisemitism has been a huge driving force for ages, even, and sometimes especially, in the church. The church, which is defined as a group of people who have given their lives and put their trust in the JEWISH Messiah. It’s time to deal with this fact once and for all brothers and sisters.

My heart literally is breaking for the atrocities that are happening to this beautiful people I have had the highest privilege of serving and learning from with HaYovel. It would have been my highest honor to have remained in the Land at the loss of my own life for Israel. Not because Israel is perfect, but because Israel is STILL the people of God, and the church has no choice but to embrace the reality that it is WE who are grafted into THEM and NOT the other way around.

As my Grammy petitioned the God of Israel for my life, please join me in petitioning the same One and Only God for His own chosen and beloved people. It’s time for the church - it’s time for the entire planet to repent for what we have done and we have let happen to the people of Israel. We all say every year during Holocaust Remembrance Day: never again. Well world, it’s beginning to happen again. God WILL NOT look favorably on the nations or the people who do not stand by their word in support of His people during this critical time. We have a chance today, even if we are not physically in the land of Israel to make a stand and be a voice for the Jewish people.

I revisited Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Museum in Israel during the trip and was deeply shaken by a saying on one of the first walls that you see as you enter: “A country is not only what it does, it is also what it tolerates.” Kurt Tucholsky.

I challenge you to STAND UP AND SAY SOMETHING concerning this truly baseless hatred and disrespect of human life. Blatant atrocities are occurring and they must be stopped. Below this blog post I will list a couple of organizations that I KNOW will actually be helping the Jewish people. If we truly read Matthew 25:31-46 in the literal sense, there’s a sobering message that comes with it. Are we going to help our Messiahs Jewish, brethren or not?

This is the time friends and family where the rubber truly meets the road. If you can’t help financially, and even if you can, we have a MANDATE to pray for them (Psalm 122:6). If you do not have Israel - the land AND the people - as a part of your DAILY prayers start right now. If you don’t have a heart for Israel, I challenge you to ask God to give you His heart for them and see what happens… that’s what I did. Let me tell you, you will never be the same. If my life can be spared from extinction through prayers, petitions and a simple choice - will God not much more so do the same for His people?

Am Yisrael Chai


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